Summer Program 2025
Each session runs for 2 weeks from 8:30-11:30 or 8:30-3:15 and follows a different curriculum based on the topic. Our program follows Montessori philosophies but follows a slightly different routine compared to our regular academic Casa, Bambini, and Nido Program.
Session 1: June 2-13
Session 2: June 16-27
Session 3: July 14-25
Session 4: July 28-August 8
Casa program (3+):
Each session costs $425 for half day (8:30 AM-11:30 PM) and $650 for full day (8:30 AM-3:15 PM). Care will also be available from 3:15 - 4:15 for $125.
Children will enjoy discovering themselves as members of a group and as individuals. They will be working on gaining self-confidence, enhancing their attention span and concentration, and developing a love of learning. It will be both a social and a learning experience through various Montessori-based activities that coincide with our session's topic. Your child will thrive in an educationally enriched environment!
Bambini program (1.5-3):
Each session costs $500 for half day (8:30 AM-11:30 PM) and $775 for full day (8:30 AM-3:15 PM). Care will also be available from 3:15 - 4:15 for $150.
Children will enjoy discovering themselves as members of a group and as individuals. They will be working on gaining self-confidence, enhancing their attention span and concentration, and developing a love of learning. It will be both a social and a learning experience through various Montessori-based activities that coincide with our session's topic. Your child will thrive in an educationally enriched environment!
Nido program (10 weeks-1.5):
Each session costs $575 for half day (8:30 AM-11:30 PM) and $850 for full day (8:30 AM-3:15 PM). Care will NOT be available from 3:15 - 4:15.
Children are free to explore and interact with everything in the room. We encourage self-exploration, but sit with the children to demonstrate or explain how materials are used when it is warranted. Children will be engaged with a focus on personhood and self respect. This includes language, tone, touch, and eye contact to convey our respect for the children and going slowly and engaging a child in even the most basic aspects of the day (including diapering or feeding). We also make sure to provide each child with individual, undistracted time, especially during self-care activities.
Priority admission will be given to our current MSM students, MSM alumni, future students, and wait pool students; in that order. Children not enrolled at MSM during the regular academic year are welcome to apply. However, this does NOT mean they will be accepted in the fall for our regular academic program.
What to Bring
All children, regardless of age, must have an extra set of clothes, a hat, and a light sweater for the classroom. Please place these items in a bag (labeled with child’s name) as they will be left at school unless the clothes have been used. Children will need indoor shoes. Please ensure that they are easy to take on and off, however, do not send in your child with slippers. We recommend rubber, Croc type shoes. Please dress your child comfortably so it will be easy for him/her to use the bathroom. We ask that pants with belts and/or suspenders, overalls and shoes that require tying be avoided. These items become more of a hindrance to your child’s independence. Girls must wear shorts under dresses so that they can move comfortably. All children must come each day with a full water bottle. We can refill it if needed. Please apply sunscreen in the morning before school. PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME—clothes, bags, hats, etc. If your child suffers from allergies or has certain food intolerances we ask that you pack them a snack. Please place the snack in a small container or a zip-lock bag with the child’s name clearly labeled. The snack must be in small quantities. We welcome fruits (cut and ready to eat), vegetable sticks, cookies, crackers, etc. Please refrain from sending sugary foods or messy, crumbly snacks. Full day children will also need to bring a lunch and crib sheets (if they are napping). Because we will be taking advantage of the warm weather and eating lunches outside, we ask that you pack a picnic-style lunch that your child can eat without utensils.
Drop-off & Dismissal
Please drop off your child at the main entrance starting at 8:30 am. Dismissal at 11:30 am and at 3:15 pm will be from the front of the building.
If your child is absent, please call/text or e-mail the school by 8:00 each morning your child is absent. The office number is (319) 640 9178, email
Children who are ill should not be sent to school, especially if they have a fever. If your child is ill or running a fever will be sent home, and in case of absence due to flu or any other communicable illness, a doctor’s note will be required to return to school.
If it's your child's first time coming to school, it's alright and normal for him/her to cry. He/she may do so for the first few days. We want your child to have a happy experience at school, one that he/she will cherish. Please understand that the teachers are very experienced in handling children and dealing with their individual needs.