Bambini Program Curriculum
“The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when man’s intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is being formed. But not only his intelligence; the full totality of his psychic powers.”
Enrollment Requirements
To enroll in the Bambini Program your child must be weaned and at least 1.5 years of age by the beginning of the school year.
MSM has both morning (8:30 AM - 11:00 AM) and full-day (8:30 AM - 3:15 PM) with the option of attending five, three, or two days a week. Additionally, there is extra before school and after school care available.
Areas of Education
The Montessori Bambini environment is carefully prepared to aid the toddler in achieving independence. Social interaction with other children, development of language skills, cooking, music, and movement activities are stressed.
The curriculum includes activities that allow the young children to develop fine and gross motor coordination and visual discrimination through the senses and learning materials.
The Bambini classroom is enriched by the Montessori Materials that support the child's development and is divided into the following areas:
1. Practical life:
This area helps the child with hand-eye coordination, balance, concentration, hand muscle development, and the ability to do things for themselves. They will dust, wipe, set the table and learn to use the toilet and wash their hands.
2. Sensorial:
This area introduces children to the concept of depth, width, and height, as well as different types of shapes, color names, and texture, etc.
3. Language:
This area introduces children to names of family members, body parts, objects, things, etc.
4. Math:
This area exposes children are exposed to counting and the introductory Montessori materials.
5. Geography:
This area teaches children about land and water and about their town, state, country, and continent.
6. Science:
This area covers sinking and floating, fruits and vegetables, tree parts, flower parts, leaf parts, etc.
7. Art:
This area is designed specifically for the little ones to experience with different types of paints and art materials.
8. Foreign Language area:
This area exposes children to songs and finger plays in different languages.
9. Music area:
This area teaches children about the different sounds in nature and what sounds different animals and birds make. The names of different types of instruments and their sound are covered.
10. Grace and Courtesy:
This area considers a crucial aspect of the Montessori curriculum in which children learn to be respectful and kind to everyone and everything in their environment. They learn to use polite manners at the table and in the circle in addition to learning how to politely interrupt a conversation.
11. Peaceful Classroom:
This area instructs children about resolving conflict in a peaceful way.
The child is prepared for advancement to the Casa class.