After School Programs

Our after school program runs between 3:15 PM - 4:30 PM everyday. During this time, clubs are offered to our school families with potty-trained children. The cost of clubs is included for those who are enrolled in the after-school program. However, if you wish for your child to participate in a specific club without being enrolled in the after-school program, we will charge drop-in fees.

Each day a different program will be offered from the following courses:

Foreign Language: The best time to expose an individual to a foreign language is while they are a child. With absorbent minds they can easily grasp this new information, allowing them to pick up languages much easier both now and in the future. Our after-school foreign language program offers a deeper look into other languages and serves as an extension of your child's in-class work with language. Your child will be exposed to the following languages: Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, and Japanese.

Sports Club: Introducing our students to organized sports from an early age helps instill sportsmanship, teamwork, and a love for sport. It also encourages our students to be active and get moving. Each week, children will focus on learning one or two key skills in order to build their proficiency and ultimately play the sport. For example, when learning how to play basketball, students will focus on dribbling one week, shooting another week, and then passing before playing small games.

Cooking Club: Our cooking club exposes students to the fun of cooking and culinary arts at a young age. Children learn new skills and techniques as they are introduced to different tastes and textures. Healthy eating habits, as well as sanitary practices, are established.

Science Club: This program introduces children to the scientific process and cultivates an interest in science through experiments and projects.

Craft Club: Throughout the duration of this club we will focus on different aspects of art. This includes paper arts like Origami, painting, drawing and more.

Game Club: Community board games have an established place in homes across America, learning how to play these games serves as important cultural knowledge for young children. In game club, students will enjoy playing and learning the rules of various commonplace games such as checkers, chess, Crazy 8s, Uno, Bingo, charades, sequence, and memory games.

Clubs will be added or removed based on interest.